Late Spring Back in My Cup

Late Spring Back in My Cup

The most unexpected delight this year has to be our high-value Lichuan Black Tea.

2024 High Value Lichuan Black Tea, Young Bud, One leaf.
When I first got my hands on the dry leaves, the fragrance was overwhelmingly rich, like the sweet scent of floral nectar.

Smells so good!

It felt as if I was standing inside a blossoming spring flower, playing the role of a bee gathering nectar. Even Sylvia, who has been drinking all kinds of teas since she walks, couldn’t stop praising it at the first brew.

"it was truly sweet!"
It was even more special if you knew how we even got this tea in hand.

All this waiting thing!

Actually, we had been waiting for half a month in the deep,high mountains of Lichuan City, because Tan, our tea farmer, was not willing to provide the tea we asked for like last year.

All he said was just ——


"It's LATE!"

We asked, "What's late?"

"Spring is LATE!"

Tan shook his head, saying no, no, not yet. He is just a tea farmer, not that talktive kind, no more explanation.

We then just wait, like two silly women trapped among these tea trees over 900 meters above sea.
Then, one a starry night, Tan finally brought the tea leaves for us.Dry leaves scattered in his palm, and the rich aroma clung to his thick fingers.

"This is good! The Late spring!"

As a tea farmer who knows nothing but tea,Tan couldn’t find more words to describe it further.


The calendar shows fixed dates for spring and Qingming Festival every year, but the tea trees knew that this March was unusually cold, so spring took its time.

Can you imagine?

The buds waited and waited on the branches, and finally, before Qingming, they lay in Tan's palm, silently announcing the arrival of spring to me.

And now it's already June.
After resting for two months, Lichuan Black Tea tastes even more mellow and delicate.
ONE SIP filled the mouth with a warm, lingering fragrance. Another cup, the memory of late spring draped over like silk.

I drank cup after cup, unable to stop, unsure if I could ever put it down. Those nights in the mountains kept flashed back. There's no need to wait for late spring any more.

Late Spring's here.

In My Cup.

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