About Us

Our Journey

It was here, in family run farms, that we encountered tea farmers, artisans who have quietly produced some of the finest teas, many of which have graced the tables of connoisseurs and dignitaries alike.

"Yet, these farmers remain anonymous!"

Their exceptional teas often branded under larger, well-known names, while their craftsmanship goes unrecognized by the world. This realization struck a deep chord with us.

We saw the passion, skill, and dedication of these tea masters, and we knew their stories deserved to be told.

Flow Inverse Tea is our way of sharing these hidden gems with the world. It's about the experience of finding a tea that resonates deeply with the senses, as much as it is about honoring the land, climate, and heritage that shape each cup.

Our Team and Farms

Meet Our Awesome Crew

At FlowInverseTea, we bring a mix of vibes from Enshi, China, and right here in Seattle, USA. Our know-how blends together to create a one-of-a-kind tea experience we're stoked to share with you.

Enshi, China

Home to our tea masters and centuries-old traditions

Seattle, USA

Where innovation meets passion for exceptional tea

  • June Zhu

    • China Certified Tea Sommelier and Tea Taster
    • Born in Hubei province where our tea grows. Sourcing and talk to local farmers.
  • Sylvia Cheng

    • China Certified Tea Taster
    • Born and raised in Guangdong where she began to drink tea ever since she can walk
  • Column

    • China Certified Tea Sommelier
    • Gen-Z
    • Coffe drinker once, now Tea! Good tea can truly be addictive. Now she JUST CAN'T stop drinking Enshi Yulu every day.
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Become part of our tea-loving community. Share your experiences, learn more about chinese tea from china tea garden, and enjoy exclusive offers.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsflowinversetea/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enshi/

Discord: https://discord.gg/VFgABFn9

Join Discord to learn our Leaf Flow Membership Program and receive your personal exclusive rights!