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Enshi Jade Dew (Yulu) Green Tea

Enshi Jade Dew (Yulu) Green Tea

Regular price $5.99 USD
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Adapting the old-style steaming method, this tea's natural aroma is meticulously preserved. when brewed,it releases delightful grassy fragrances.

Tasting Notes
Spinach. Chestnut. Soybean. Seaweed

Type: Green tea
Cultivar: Longjing #43
Origin: Enshi, China
Elevation: 2,600 feet
Harvest:  Late March to early April 2024, Pre-Ming
Producer: Xie and Liu
Caffeine Level: Medium
Processing Method: Steaming,hand-rolling,hand-kneading,and shaping
Package: With tea only,the sculpture is excluded

Brewing Suggestions

Western Style Brewing
Tea to water ratios: 1g of tea for every 100ml of water
Water temperature: 158-167°F (70-75°C)
Water type: Filtered water/spring water, tap water is not recommended
Brewing time: 120 - 150s

Cold Brew
Tea to water ratios: 1g of tea for every 100ml of water
Water temperature: ice water
Water type: Filtered water/spring water, tap water is not recommended
Brewing time: 4 - 5 hours

Gongfu Style Brewing
Tea to water ratios: 1g of tea for every 50ml of water
Water temperature: 167-176°F (75-80°C)
Water type: Filtered water/spring water,tap water is not recommended
Brewing time: Begin with a 10 second brew. Increase 3 - 5 seconds with each successive brew as needed

Story Behind

Originating from Enshi,which is known as the "World Capital of Selenium."

Centuries ago during the Qing Dynasty, it was presented as tribute to the Emperor himself. Impressed by its vibrant dark green color covered with silvery-white fur,he likened it to Yulu,which means Jade Dew.

Crafted since the Tang Dynasty using ancient steaming methods handed down through the generations,its production is both an art and a science. Through crafted rolling, kneading,and twisting the tea leaves into pine needle shapes. Then gently baked to preserve both form and the grassy aroma that earned this tea umami favor.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Our Jade Dew and Lichuan Black Tea hail from Enshi, central China.

The region's optimal altitude, soil composition, and climate create an exceptional environment for tea cultivation, contributing to the unparalleled quality and flavor profile of our teas.

At FlowInverseTea, we take pride in delivering freshness.

Our Jade Dew retains its vibrancy for up to 18 months, while the Lichuan Black Tea preserves its distinctive qualities for an impressive 36 months.

However, the freshness can be influenced by external factors and how you store the tea. For the best experience, store your tea in a cool, dark place and ensure proper sealing to maintain its optimal flavor profile.

Yes, we ship directly from California, USA.

Proper storage is key to preserving the essence of our teas. Here are a few tips for optimal tea storage:

  1. Keep it away from moisture.
  2. Store it in a dark and dry place.
  3. Use an air-tight container, made of metal, tin, or ceramic, to protect against external elements.

Our tea packages also feature an airtight design, making them suitable for tea storage.

If you have more questions or need personalized advice, don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to ensure your tea experience is exceptional.

What our customers say


Comming Soon


The dry leaf exudes a strong aroma of starchy toasted nuts, leading to a wet leaf profile reminiscent of stewed spinach. This tea boasts excellent energy, with a slight umami taste and no bitterness or dryness. It's remarkably easy to drink, with a sweet finish and no unpleasant aftertaste.


Enshi Jade Dew Blooming

From Preston

It tasted simple, savory, and minerally to me in the first brew, but as I kept steeping it, I began to taste more ripe fruit notes in the back of my throat which I enjoyed a lot.

High-value Lichuan Black Tea


I thought it had a light-medium rich body with a VERY complex nutty taste at longer steeps. It had a low but noticeable astringency, and reminded me a lot of a good quality longjing green.

Enshi Jade Dew Sprouting



Comming soon
